Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello out there in Menopause land!

Grr.  I am not a happy camper.  NOT. AT. ALL.

I was so excited about 8 months ago; after much hard work, I lost 30 lbs.  NOT an easy feat.  Then I had my surgery, and got put on hormones.  I really, really wish someone had told me the hormones were steroids.

I've not gained all the weight back; only about 8 lbs.  But it's staying, and I'm PISSED.

So I called my doctors office and apparently in order for me to change my medication, I HAVE TO GET ANOTHER REFERRAL FROM TRI-CARE.


I swear.  I'm already fighting with them because they don't want to pay for the last ER trip I had to make (at 6 weeks post-op) because they don't think that abdominal pain warranted the trip.  I personally think they're just asshats.

My skin has started breaking out again too.  I got a sunburn last weekend (air show), so for now it looks pretty good (until it starts to peel!).  But my biggest problem isn't even on my face, it's my neck and shoulders; SO embarassing.

And has anyone else out there in Menopause land noticed that they sweat more?  I don't just mean the "night" sweat thing; for the most part that seems to have been eliminated.  It's the sweating everywhere else that's making me nuts.

Sorry that the first time I post in awhile and it's nothing but me bitching.  On a bight note I got to go visit with an old friend today that I haven't seen in awhile; she asked about this blog, and I realized that I'm not keeping up with it as I should; I know I've said it before, but I WILL be trying to get better.

One more question: Has anyone tried just taking the herbal stuff that's supposed to help menopause?  I'm SERIOUSLY considering trying it, but I've not heard anything about how well it works one way or the other. All I know is it takes up to 6 weeks to take effect, and that would SUCK.  But it's better than gaining all this weight...

Any input is appreciated, and if you made it through this, THANK YOU.

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