Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Yeah, it's been awhile again, I know.  Sorry.

I've had a day or two where I forgot my hormones again.  Ugh.  I absolutely HATE when I do that, and retract my previous statement about leveling out!  Wow.  It seems to take a day or two to catch up when I forget, and in those days, WATCH OUT.  I'm a bitch on wheels and could care less what anyone has to say about it.  I've caught up again, and sincerely hope I don't ever forget from here on out.  (YEAH RIGHT!)

Turns out my insurance wants me to fill out a "third party liability" form before they'll pay the hospital for my surgery.  Hmm.  I'll be interested to see how it goes; my husband is convinced I got a hack job done, but I don't know if he's come to that based on what happened or because he's my husband and protective.  I DO think my doctor had NO bedside manner; she showed up 15 minutes late for the surgery, then I didn't see her again until it was time for me to be discharged!  I was in the hospital, BY MYSELF at NIGHT getting a BLOOD TRANSFUSION because of her, and she didn't even show up!  Anyway, sorry.  It pisses me off, can you tell? Lol.  But I don't know that there's anything I can do as far as a malpractice suit (as my hubby wants me to).  Isn't one of the things in the forms you fill out a line stating you understand the risks of surgery and that's one of them?  Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

There's not a whole lot else going on.  My family and I are going to Washington D.C. on Friday, and I can't wait!  It's going to be awesome, and it's a MUCH needed vacation.  Hope everyone else is doing well...I'm off for a nap.  Hey, I'm menapostal, bite me.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The PB&J incident.

Day before yesterday, I forgot to put on my hormones.

Oh boy, right?

Surprisingly it wasn't TOO bad.  A hot flash or two, but otherwise I was pleasantly shocked.  And as soon as I put on the hormones yesterday, I was fine.  Hooray!  I think my body is finally leveling out.

I also went out and bought a full size of the face wash I'd been using before; Peter Thomas Roth Anti-Aging face wash.  I love that stuff, and I really hope it continues to make my face clear up.

Since I can't ONLY write about menopause, well, you're going to be subjected to other things as well.

MY DAUGHTER IS MAKING ME INSANE, I SWEAR.  Yesterday she wanted one of those Smuckers crustless PB&J sandwiches.  I took it out of the freezer, defrosted it in the microwave, then put it back in the freezer because who on EARTH wants a warm PB&J?

She does apparently.

SHE FREAKED.  I took it out of the freezer and you'd have thought I pulled out a cats head or something.  I put it on the table and told her to hush and eat and went to get ready to take the kids to the bus stop.  When I came out she was sitting UNDER the table, playing with her Polly Pocket stuff.  I took it from her and told her to eat; 5 minutes later she was back under the table, and at this point it was time for us to leave.  So I told her I guessed she'd be hungry (she eats lunch wicked early, so I wasn't AS worried about it) and to get her backpack.  She starts having a conniption fit, telling me no, no, she'll eat.  I told her it was too late, so she screamed, grabbed the sandwich, and squished it in between her fingers.  GRRR.  Which leads me to a question...

What do you do when your daughter is as stubborn and obtuse as you are?


I'm off to find something to bitch about.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And we're back. :)

I can't believe I've let it go this long since I blogged!

A little catch up: That pain I was having, well, it's still there.  I've had an abdominal CAT scan and an ultrasound now, and they have no idea what is going on.  The muscle isn't ripped, the hematoma has healed completely.  So I've been referred out to a general surgeon and put on Neurontin..  I guess we'll have to just wait and see!

In related news, I forgot to put my hormones on today.  Should be interesting to see how this goes!  So far I seem to be doing well; none of the usual symptoms.  But we'll see if it lasts.  Today my baby boy is 7, and wants to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  IF I can make it through the whole day, PLUS dinner without going beserk, I'd say I'm doing well.

My skin is breaking out again though.  Grr.  I was using Peter Thomas Roth anti-aging face wash (it has 1% glycolic acid  and 1% salicylic acid) and my skin was AWESOME.  Ran out (it was a month-long sample size) so went back to my stuff, and I break out!  (I've been using my other stuff for over a month now.)  Guess who is stopping at Sephora tonight?

I still haven't found anything to get the oil under control, either.  It's so frustrating, my makeup ends up "slipping" off within an hour of application.  Very annoying.

I'm also in the process of attempting to lose more weight.  Nothing unreasonable, mind you.  And I'm doing it the right way~diet and exercise.  I've been eating some spicy foods, stuff with cinnamon, drinking COLD water (all help speed up metabolism), plus lean meats and cheeses.  The hardest is giving up my sweets.  Boo.  Any other tips from anyone?  I know it's the little stuff that helps.

Found a new site, by the way, for all you ladies that have recently had or are going to have a hysterectomy:  They have discussion boards and forums, a shop, all sorts of stuff.  They have info on alternatives to hysterectomies too.  Worth a look at least!

I know it's not much, but I have presents to wrap before my baby boy gets home.  I promise to be better about keeping up with this, even if it's only a paragraph a day!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, I ended up going into the doctor again today.

Lately I've been having a horrible pain and swelling in my lower right abdomen.  Every time I'd stand up or move it would be this intense, burning, RIPPING pain, kind of like the pain I had right after my surgery.  Just horrible.  It's been going on for a few days, and last night my husband told me "if you don't call the doctor, I WILL".  So I did, and she wanted me to come in right away.  Once I got in there, she took a look and determined that I've most likely ripped a muscle.  She wants me to have an ultrasound to make sure it's not a major tear, and that I haven't ripped a stitch or anything, but told me to stay down, alternate heat/ice, and gave me Lortab.  Not thrilled about that part, as I'd gotten myself off the pain pills, but I've decided that I'll only take them when it's REALLY bad.  Which hopefully isn't too often.

As for the  Not too too bad recently.  My skin is clearing up again, and that new shampoo is AWESOME.  Seriously, I freakin' ADORE it!  The mint in the morning is fantastic, helps wake me up.  Mood swings haven't been terribly severe, but my skin is still an oil slick.  I don't know that there's much I can do about it other than use the oil absorbing sheets.  Those things ROCK.

I want to slowely get back in to working out, but I'm guessing that will have to wait until I'm done with the ripped muscle now...

Oh, and is it wrong that I find myself giggling at tampon/pad/Pamprin commercials?  I know, I know...but I do.  Hee hee.