Well, I ended up going into the doctor again today.
Lately I've been having a horrible pain and swelling in my lower right abdomen. Every time I'd stand up or move it would be this intense, burning, RIPPING pain, kind of like the pain I had right after my surgery. Just horrible. It's been going on for a few days, and last night my husband told me "if you don't call the doctor, I WILL". So I did, and she wanted me to come in right away. Once I got in there, she took a look and determined that I've most likely ripped a muscle. She wants me to have an ultrasound to make sure it's not a major tear, and that I haven't ripped a stitch or anything, but told me to stay down, alternate heat/ice, and gave me Lortab. Not thrilled about that part, as I'd gotten myself off the pain pills, but I've decided that I'll only take them when it's REALLY bad. Which hopefully isn't too often.
As for the menopause...eh. Not too too bad recently. My skin is clearing up again, and that new shampoo is AWESOME. Seriously, I freakin' ADORE it! The mint in the morning is fantastic, helps wake me up. Mood swings haven't been terribly severe, but my skin is still an oil slick. I don't know that there's much I can do about it other than use the oil absorbing sheets. Those things ROCK.
I want to slowely get back in to working out, but I'm guessing that will have to wait until I'm done with the ripped muscle now...
Oh, and is it wrong that I find myself giggling at tampon/pad/Pamprin commercials? I know, I know...but I do. Hee hee.
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